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Trump’s environmental policies rule only part of America

The stark political divide between conservative and liberal states mirrors a growing chasm on environmental policy and pollution across the country as the Trump administration dials down federal regulations and blue states step in to pursue their own rules.

The split has been decades in the making, with states that voted for President Donald Trump growing increasingly angry about the expanding role of the federal government and blue states pressing for tighter regulations to deal with greenhouse gases and other pollutants that threaten air and water. But Trump’s dramatic deregulatory agenda has prompted many states to accelerate their own efforts to curb pollution.

The result: In an increasing number of practical ways, industries such as electric power, automaking, farming and refrigeration must simultaneously operate both in Trump’s America and in a much more liberal country. Besides worsening an already-ugly division between Republican- and Democratic-led states, the trend also threatens to burden many of the same businesses that Trump says he’s trying to help.

“I’m not surprised about this trend,” said Dallas Burtraw, a senior fellow at the think tank Resources for the Future. “The way the red-blue divide is occurring increasingly seems like the policies at the state level are aligning with the politics.”

POLITICO compared how states have split on key environmental issues — climate change, vehicle efficiency, pollution from coolants and clean water — with the 2016 presidential election results, and the correlation is striking.

The red-blue divide is not always perfectly neat — Republican-dominated states like Texas and Iowa are national leaders in wind power — but the partisan fights in Washington over environmental issues are filtering down to the states, which are often responding with their own action.

“People still want clean air and clean water, and if they believe the federal government isn’t doing its part to deliver and to enforce environmental requirements, then they’ll look to their states,” said Carol Browner, the Clinton-era Environmental Protection Agency administrator and climate adviser to President Barack Obama.

‘Carbon intensity’ predicted the 2016 vote

On a key metric of climate change, the divide between red states and blue states is noteworthy: Of the 28 most-carbon-intensive states, all but one went for Trump in 2016. At the other end of the spectrum, the 14 least-carbon-intensive states voted for Hillary Clinton. A state’s carbon intensity — the amount of CO2 emissions divided by gross domestic product — depends on factors such as how it produces its electricity, vehicle miles driven, prevalence of energy-intensive activities such as manufacturing, and the ratio of rural to urban populations.

States can influence their emissions by adopting policies such as clean energy standards or incentives for public transit or electric vehicles. But the divide is likely to widen after the Trump administration rolled back many climate change policies, including walking away from the U.S. promises under the Paris climate agreement. After that announcement, 16 states — mostly those won by Clinton — created the U.S. Climate Alliance to try to meet the targets under the Paris pact.

Clinton states fight weak Trump auto rule

The Trump administration is hitting the brakes on auto emissions rules created under Obama, but more than a dozen states plan to align with California’s stricter standards instead. Federal law gives California unique power to enact rules more stringent than the federal government’s, and other states can choose to follow Sacramento’s lead instead of the federal standards. Thirteen states and Washington, D.C., are set to follow California’s rules, and together they represent more than a third of the nation’s auto market.

The Trump administration says it will revoke California’s authority to set its own rules, a move that would set off a court fight that many experts say might favor the Golden State. Should California prevail in the legal battle, the U.S. auto market could face two separate sets of emissions rules that vary depending on the state.

Most experts agree that that would be a disaster for automakers, who are pressing the Trump administration to pull back on its proposal and maintain one national standard. But until one side swerves, California and the Trump administration are speeding toward a head-on collision.

Clinton states go it alone on potent greenhouse gas

The Trump EPA suspended an Obama rule that would have phased out hydrofluorocarbons used in refrigerators and air conditioners even though there is little opposition to eliminating the powerful greenhouse gas.

U.S. manufacturers support a shift away from HFCs, and they had hoped a phase-out would open up markets to newer replacement chemicals they have developed that don’t contribute to climate change. Now they hope that blue states can agree on a single regulation that would create momentum for a new national rule, and also ratification of an international treaty that would cut down HFC use worldwide.

The 16-state U.S. Climate Alliance said in June that all its member states would seek ways to cut HFCs and other short-term greenhouse gases. California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation last week that would mimic EPA’s suspended rule in the Golden State, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised to do the same by regulation.

Trump states want more water control

Judging exactly what rivers, streams and wetlands fall under federal jurisdiction has been a decadeslong struggle. In 2015, the Obama administration issued a regulation known as the Waters of the United States rule, or WOTUS, to define when a water body would be regulated by EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers or by local or state governments.

But the Obama rule sharply expanded federal jurisdiction, and several red states fought back, arguing in court that WOTUS was a major overreach and that more waters should be under state control.

After years of legal fighting, the rule now applies in some states but not others. As of Sept. 18, judges have blocked the Obama-era WOTUS rule in 27 states, mostly ones won by Trump, leaving it in effect in 23 others, mostly those Clinton won. With multiple ongoing lawsuits across the U.S., the field of play might change again. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is furiously writing a replacement rule that is also expected to draw years of litigation — another rulemaking that may well one day make its way to the Supreme Court.

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