Shortly after President Trump caught wind of an anonymous senior official criticizing his administration, the president fired back against the New York Times and other “phony media outlets.”

President Donald Trump continued to decry the publication of a “gutless” op-ed in The New York Times by an unnamed senior official in his administration during a rally in Montana on Thursday, but he hit a brief stumbling block when it came to pronouncing the word “anonymous.” 

Trump was explaining how his electoral victory and accomplishments in office were driving his Democratic opponents and his critics in the news media “crazy.” He then turned the subject to the anonymous op-ed, which said officials in the Trump administration were undermining the president’s agenda in order to protect the country from his “worst instincts.” 

“The latest act of resistance is the op-ed published in the failing New York Times by an (attempt to say anonymous), really an (attempt to say anonymous), gutless coward,” he said.

“Nobody knows who the hell he is, or she, although they put he, but probably that’s a little disguised. That means it’s she,” he said, speculating about the identity of the secret critic in his midst. From this statement, it does not appear the White House has made much progress in narrowing the field of suspects. 

Of course, the forgiving social media world is sure to dismiss Trump tripping over the word anonymous as a perfectly understandable slip-up. We all remember how everyone ignored that “covfefe” typo, right? 



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