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On Kavanaugh, a Changed America Debates an Explosive Charge

Conservatives argued that liberals have long protested that young black men are too often consigned to prison for isolated crimes committed when they were teenagers. “At what point do we hold an individual duly responsible for his or her actions?” Ms. Hymowitz said. “We have a long history in this country and in other modern countries of seeing minors as requiring a different set of rules and frankly more leniency.”

“I don’t believe all boys do this, but I think a lot did, and some of them were not bad kids and are perfectly upstanding adults now,” she said. “I am not comfortable with derailing a much-hated nominee — hated for other reasons — because this happened to pop up as a possible way to get him.”

Opponents of Judge Kavanaugh noted that last year, he denied a 17-year-old immigrant seeking an abortion, forcing her to live with the consequences of her teenage behavior.

“Call me crazy, but I think having 17 year-olds worry that any sexual assault they commit now might follow them around for the rest of their lives would be a GREAT thing,” Ben Wexler, a television writer, wrote on Twitter on Monday.

Dr. McConnaughy, the George Washington professor, is 41, and was too young to vote when Anita Hill testified before the Senate. She has her students watch recordings of those hearings every year, and they are often shocked by what they see, she said. To those younger voters, there is less willingness to forgive allegations even from long ago. “I think we have new language, new tool kits, to push back on ‘kids will be kids’ and ‘boys will be boys,’” she said.

“I don’t expect this to be a replay of Anita Hill,” she added. With those allegations, “the primary thing was, Is this going to undo Thomas. I don’t think the primary thing now is if this is going to undo Kavanaugh. That’s a story, but the primary thing is, what’s the script each side is going to offer?”

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