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No one really won Sweden’s general election and people are totally and utterly confused

Over 99 percent of the votes have been counted, but one question remains unanswered after the Swedish election. Who won?  

As neither of the country’s two main political blocks (the red-green alliance led by current prime minister Stefan Löfven or the centre-right alliance) have managed to secure a majority, the country is now in a political gridlock. And this is, in part, due to the advancement of the far right party The Sweden Democrats (SD). 

SD, a nationalist far right party with tough anti-immigration stances, secured 62 seats in the 349 seat Swedish parliament. But since neither of the established political blocks are willing to form a government reliant on the support of The Sweden Democrats, the election is without a clear result. 

That is kind of confusing for a lot of people, to say the least. 

The rise of the SD has been the main focus of coverage of the 2018 Sweden Election, with the international press writing the party’s popularity into the narrative of the rise of anti-immigration populist parties in Europe.

But a lot of people are pointing out that only one in six Swedes actually voted for SD, and that the Swedish election was about a lot more than just immigration. 

What happens now is that the political parties will engage in negotiations on how to form a coalition government, and the parliament will vote on who will be prime minister on the 25th of September. 

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