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Kellyanne Conway Threatens To Walk Off After Fiery Exchange With Chris Cuomo

As is now customary with Cuomo and Conway, however, the two spent much of the segment talking over each other: 

CONWAY: “You just think you can talk over me, I’ll walk away. You guys begged me to come on and then you want to interrupt me.”

CUOMO:  “As I’ve said many times, you’re always welcome to come on, but I have to stop you and check what you put out there.” 

CONWAY: “No no no! I didn’t say ― nothing came out of my mouth yet. You’re just talking.”

CUOMO: “Lot of noise coming for nothing coming out of your mouth. I heard something.”

CONWAY: “I can leave. I can leave and we can watch him get confirmed next week. Are you ready for that?” 

See the full exchange above. 

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