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Here’s all the milestones Tim Cook boasted about at the 2018 Apple Event

It’s that time of the year again: Apple just held its special media event where it announced a bunch of new iPhones. And this year, we were also treated to a company update of various milestones and records being broken by the company.

At the start of today’s event, after a pre-taped Mission Impossible-themed comedy sketch that preluded the event, Apple CEO Tim Cook stepped onstage. 

In his keynote speech, Cook announced that more than 500 million people visit the Apple store each year. While photos of Apple’s physical retail locations appeared on the screen behind him, it’s unclear whether or not this includes visitors to Apple’s online stores as well.

“We’re about to hit a major milestone,” said Cook before announcing what is probably the biggest milestone unveiled at today’s event: the 2 billionth iOS device is about to ship. This number includes devices such as iPhones, iPads, and the iPod Touch. Back in Q1 of 2015, Apple had announced it sold ots 1 billionth iOS device in November 2014.

The first product up, the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is “not only the #1 smartwatch in the world, but also the #1 watch period,” said Cook. “For millions of people around the world, the Apple Watch has been an indispensable part of their lives,” he added. However, no specific sales numbers were given for the Apple Watch.

Then the event than moved onto the iPhone. “The iPhone X defined the future of the smartphone” said Cook before going on to mention that it’s the #1 smartphone in the world with 98% customer satisfaction. Another interesting tidbit, according to Apple, the iPhone is also the “world’s most popular camera.”

The newest members to the iPhone family — iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max — which were announced at the event are already making a little history. The new chip found in the phones, the Apple A12 Bionic, is the industry’s very first 7-nanometer chip according to Apple. Basically, these phones are blazing fast. Not only are they fast, but according to the company they also feature the best worldwide roaming as they have more bands than any other smartphone out there.

These new iPhones also bring with them a few company firsts as well. It marks the first time Apple rolls out a 512GB model phone. The iPhone XS Max, specifically, will feature the largest display ever on an iPhone as well as the longest battery life — lasting 90 minutes longer than the iPhone X.

Apple’s final announcement, a third slightly lower-end model phone called the iPhone XR, made a bit of splash within the company too. The iPhone XR has what Apple called the “most advanced LCD ever in a smartphone” with a 6.1” screen, 1792 x 828 display, and 1.4 million pixels. They’ve dubbed this LCD the liquid retina display.

While skimpy on specific sales numbers and zero mentions of any app store related records, Apple still had a few milestones to boast about this time around. 8277 59fe%2fthumb%2f00001

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