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Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims

Kavanaugh claimed he couldn’t have sexually assaulted anyone as a teenager because of his virginity in a Fox News interview on Monday. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who goes by Christine Blasey professionally, has accused him of attacking her at a party more than 35 years ago when they were both in high school.

“We’re talking about allegations of sexual assault. I have never sexually assaulted anyone,” the nominee told Fox News. “I did not have sexual intercourse, or anything close to sexual intercourse, in high school or many years thereafter.”

Blasey alleges that Kavanaugh pinned her down, groped her and attempted to take off her clothes during a party. She contends that he was drunk at the time and that he only stopped after a classmate threw himself on top of them, giving her a chance to run away.

It should go without saying that virginity does not mean a person is not capable of drunkenly groping another person against her will. 

A second woman, Deborah Ramirez, has accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself and thrusting his penis at her face when they were both college students at Yale during the 1983-1984 school year. Ramirez says that they were both intoxicated at that party and that she isn’t entirely sure of her memories. 

The New Yorker, which first published Ramirez’s account on Sunday, was not able to independently confirm if Kavanaugh was at the Yale party she described, but interviewed several of Ramirez’s classmates, who recalled hearing about the alleged incident in vague terms.

Kavanaugh has also pointed to a letter signed by 65 women he has known for decades attesting that the judge has always treated them with “decency and respect.” Again, this letter is not evidence that he did not commit sexual assault. A person can treat hundreds of women well and still mistreat some other women.

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