The irony of Melania Trump addressing the issue of cyberbullying as part of her campaign to improve the lives of children was not lost on many Twitter users. They responded by highlighting the vicious Twitter attacks her husband President Donald Trump launches at political rivals, celebrities and anyone else who crosses him:
Dear First Lady, I hope you realize that you’re married to the poster boy of cyber bullying. Your work starts at home, immediately. #CyberbullyingSummit
— Joe Schneider (@fcancer) August 21, 2018
You are completely out of touch with reality. How about you handle the bully under your own roof?
— Jenni Parrish Skaug (@RTRJenni) August 21, 2018
I’m sorry but I can’t take her serious. If she really want to make a big statement about Bullying. She needs to start with her husband.
— Monica Brazell (@monicaj0933) August 21, 2018
if you’re so worried abt the children maybe talk about the huge sexual abuse scandals at ICE detainment centers and in the Catholic church trans people aren’t trying to hurt your children
— ola (@duhitsola) August 21, 2018
I have no idea whether you are sincere or not, but your husband’s actions outweigh your efforts by a factor of millions.
— Karen Treon (@ktreon) August 21, 2018
Absolutely insane. The disconnect is ridiculous.
— Alda Abbracciamento (@aldaabbra) August 21, 2018
What about all those kids still separated from their families by your husband’s administration? It’s traumatic and brutal. In some cases it almost certainly violates international law. #NotBeingBest
— Dara Hunt (@DLHDara) August 21, 2018
@Flotus How can you continue this farce of being a champion of anti-cyberbullying, professing expertise on strategies to address when you live under the same roof as the Cyberbully in Chief? Hypocrisy at its finest.
— Judy McConnachie (@JudyMcConnachie) August 21, 2018
Take your husband’s phone away and then BeBest will be a success.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) August 20, 2018
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