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Ariana Grande opens up about the Manchester attack in new interview

For Ariana Grande, the song “get well soon” off her new album sweetener is a deeply personal one, inspired in part by the 2017 Manchester terrorist attack at one of her concerts that left 22 people dead. 

In a Friday interview with Ebro Darden on Apple Music’s Beats 1 radio, Grande spoke through tears about the song and her experiences following the attack.

“You try not to give into fear, because obviously that’s the whole point of being here. That was the whole point of finishing my tour. It was to set an example for my fans who were fearless enough to show up to the fucking shows…You want to set the same example. You want to keep going, and…you want to…not be afraid, because of course that’s what they want. If you give them that, then they’ve won…But the truth is is that it’s fucking scary. It’s scary going anywhere, and you look at places differently.”

But early in the interview, Grande notes that the song isn’t just about Manchester. 

“It’s also about personal demons and anxiety, and more intimate tragedies, as well,” she said. “Mental health is so important. People don’t pay enough mind to it… People don’t pay attention to what’s happening inside… That’s why I felt like it was important. I just wanted to give people a hug, musically.”

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